Saturday, June 30, 2007

Love - Destiny

Love Is Destiny

Author: Venus Emerald May

Nobody could ever find love
It is love that looks after us.
And if it finds us
There's no way to escape.
It doesn't choose nor
Force someone to love
Love is indeed a destiny.

Many says love comes,
Love goes.
Others tell that love has its own time
Of knocking at your door.
Yet love finds a way
To tell you it is right,
For love is truly a destiny.


It is not DESTINY that determines “LOVE.”
It is a “CHOICE.”
Our so-called DESTINY is a lie. . .
Relationships last long not because they are destined to last long.
Relationships last long because two brave people made a “choice” . . .to keep it,
to fight for it, and to work for it. Meanwhile, other relationships fail,
not because they are destined to fail.
They failed because one of the two or both made a choice. . .to set each other “FREE.”

We do not choose “Love”. It is Love who chooses us. We cannot hide from Love or escape from it.
If we are destined to love, it will happen no matter what.
The results can be happy or sad depending on how we treat “Love”.
Depending on our choices..
And when you love someone, it’s better to lose your pride to someone you love,
than to lose your love because of your nonsense pride………