1st Method: Using "JoomlaStart"
1. Download it from http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/tools/site-management-tools/610/details
"JoomlaStart is a tool that will help you install/upgrade Joomla software much faster just by uploading one file on your server and running it! V1.2 release changes: - added a fix for permissions problems, so you may try to install Joomla by simulating a ftp upload process - you can install now Joomla from your local server, this in case your provider does't allow to use fopen() function remotelly to get the package - for the ftp mode we added an automatic permission changer for the required directories! If you encountered any problems in using this tool please use our forums at http://www.joomlaplug.com/Forum/ ! We will try to help you the best we can!"
2. It has 2 files Joomla.Start.php & ver.txt. Update ver.txt with the link of joomla file to be downloaded.
3. Upload 2 files to the web server.
4. Run Joomla.Start.php and follow the instruction.
Ur Joomla will be ready to be installed.
Upload the template & any other required files to the server using FTP and you are ready.
That time it didnt work as expected for me as there was some issues with the permision in the server..
2nd Method: Installing Joomla with remote Shell Access
I had a SSH previleges on the web server so I started SSH client (bitvise tunnelier/putty).
CD /var/www/html/jdmconcept/
This is there my site goes..( it may be different for other..)
2. Download the joomla file to the server
WGET http://joomlacode.org/gf/download/frsrelease/9910/37907/Joomla_1.5.10-Stable-Full_Package.tar.gz
you should have Joomla_1.5.10-Stable-Full_Package.tar.gz file in /var/www/html/jdmconcept/
3. Now decompress the file
gunzip 'Joomla_1.5.10-Stable-Full_Package.tar.gz'
tar -xvf 'Joomla_1.5.10-Stable-Full_Package.tar'
gunzip will uncompress the Gzip archive. This will leave you with the Tar achive: Joomla_1.5.10-Stable-Full_Package.tar.
You want to uncompress this too so so you use tar -xvf.
Regarding -xvf: x if for extract, v is for verbose, and f is for file
Now joomla is ready to Install.
Finally I successfully installed JDMConcept in less than an hour.
I found out later some more methods to install Joomla easily to the server.
Hope it has help you for your Joomla Project.